Monday, May 28, 2012

Swatch Streamers

Confused about the title? 
We had a board game from Swatch when our Tita bought a Swatch watch back in 2001. It was a sort of trivia game that had questions and answers (in different languages) printed on different colored boards: green, blue, and yellow boards, depending on where you landed or what you rolled in the game.

Since it was gathering dust anyway, we decided to use the colored boards to make streamers that could be used for decoration. :) 

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Nail polish Stationery

Learn how to make cute and elegant stationery by using nail polish and black paper!

Food: Pizza with Bread


So, our first foodie project! We had a surplus of bread in the house (a lot of loaves here), so for lunch we decided to make pizza! :) This is certainly not our original idea, but it was fun to do as a family.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Oiled Paper Lantern

Still using crayons, we wanted to use the drippings to design a paper lantern! If you haven't already read our previous post about crayon melting, we'll just repeat the instructions here. But what is really awesome is the use of cooking oil to make the paper translucent and shiny.
Light On
Light Off

Crayon Melt Technique (Envelopes)

Getting those crayons for the Crayon Shavings project inspired us to do more crayon-y projects! Here's a very easy technique for decorating paper. We used to do this as kids. It's basically melting the crayon over a candle frame and using the dripping wax to make a design. We put our design on a cardboard to make some letter envelopes! Try  this out with a grade-schooler. Just be careful about the open flame!

Crayon Shavings

We remember a technique we saw on the Nickelodeon show "Artzooka" about using crayon shavings mixed with glue to create a beautiful 3-dimensional artwork. We decided to use that technique to decorate a plain white cookie jar, the one on the left in the picture below. This is a crayon technique that takes quite some time to do. Get ready to lay out those newspapers, shave crayons, and have sticky fingers!

Lego Checkers

I guess the artistic bug has bit our younger brother as well! He showed us some lego pieces he made and arranged on a chess board and explained to us his modified version of the game "Checkers".